Friday, May 13, 2011

6 Days To Take Off...!

Only one week until I fly out and time is passing by so quickly. There is a lot to get done and one thing I am excited to get started is this blog which will serve as a way for me to tell the stories of God's work through my internship this summer. As some of the readers of this blog know, I will be spending my summer in the Middle East working with women who were sex trafficked. A large part of our work will be teaching the women alternative job skills to support themselves and their children. We also will be starting programming for children in the red light district of the city I am living in. Due to the confidentiality of our work, I will not be able to share specifics like where I am staying or the names of the women I will be working with. I instead will provide abbreviations for the women when referring to them in my posts.

When praying and meditating on this summer my natural reaction is to feel intimidated and incapable because of the complexity of the task. Beyond just the complexity, I believe it is the "unknown" that both frightens and excites me about this journey I have been called on. When I begin to feel anxious about the unknown, God keeps bringing into my mind one quote by Emily Dickinson that simply says "dwell in possibility."

I could look at my time in the Middle East thinking I don't know the people's culture, language, and religion. I don't know how exactly I will be able to effectively help these women who have gone through such pain and darkness. Instead, I believe God is calling me to view this summer with joy. God has given me this opportunity to dwell in His possibilities and plans. He is blessing me with the chance to to get to know these people through learning from them about their culture, language, and religion. He is allowing me to be a vessel of his light, love, and healing to these women who he cares so deeply for.

I could dwell in the anxiety of my own knowledge and abilities or I could dwell in a promise far above myself. God's possibilities, plans, and abilities are far above my own. His wisdom and peace surpasses all understanding. This is why I choose to dwell in God and through Him experience and participate in His joy, grace, justice, love, community, truth, and peace. I pray that His Kingdom come and His will be done in the Middle East this summer.

6 Days!!!


  1. We'll be praying for you the whole time, Kendra! We hope you have a great experience!

    The Housengas

  2. Kendra!! You leave today!!! I hope you have a very safe, exciting, and life changing trip and you may be out of sight, but you will never be out of mind! We love you and wish you a wonderful trip! Hope to hear from you soon!

    The Millers
